Microdermabrasion At Home: Younger Skin Can Be At Home!

The complete guide to doing microdermabrasion at home.

Doing microdermabrasion at home is a great way to save money while still giving your skin that straight from the dermatologist look. With todays microdermabrasion options you can find the perfect machine to help your skin look younger all while being in the comfort of your home.

As a woman who is turning 50 this year, I am now more than ever really taking a hard look at my skin and what I can do to improve it. While I know I cannot stop that darn aging clock – I know I can do things to keep it healthier and younger looking and that is where dermabrasion comes in.

Think about it – your skin is the first thing people see and having fresh, dewy glowing skin gives off an amazing first impression. It tells the story of who you are, how you live your life, and where you’ve been.

Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and what it looks like is extremely important, not only for your health but also for how you intend to portray yourself to the world.

If your skin is glowing, supple, and bright, you feel confident and secure with how you look.

You project your very best self.

If, however, your skin is too dry, too oily, littered with acne or shallow acne marks, riddled with fine lines, or has a dull and dingy look, you most likely hang back, too embarrassed to let people see you up close.

You’ll spend tons of money on over-the-counter products that all promise to wipe away your skin issues with a simple dab, mask, or spray.

They rarely work. This is why many people turn to microdermabrasion.

So let’s get talking about how microdermabrasion can kick start your skin to a better version of itself!

What is Microdermabrasion & What Does It Do?

Microdermabrasion might sound like a rather intense process, but it’s actually the word for a relatively mild treatment compared to other skin-beautifying procedures.

Microdermabrasion is a dermatological treatment process where your skin is lightly sanded so that the uppermost layer of damaged skin is removed.

People who have acne, fine lines or conditions like sun damage, blackheads, stretch marks, and enlarged pores are all prime candidates for microdermabrasion.

How Exactly Does Microdermabrasion Work?

When you get a microdermabrasion treatment, it can be done in two ways.

One way is via a process called diamond-tip microdermabrasion. The wand has a special diamond tip surface with an abrasive texture that works by sanding away the rough portions of your skin, smoothing it out.

The wand is pressed methodically and strategically over different areas of your skin, removing all the dead skin. The treatment is not uncomfortable at all. Instead, you will feel a warm sensation.

Another way to get microdermabrasion is via the use of a sprayer. With the spray method, your skin is blasted with tiny bits of aluminum oxide, sodium bicarbonate, or corundum.

These mixtures are applied to the skin via a spray/suction method that also has the effect of smoothing out your skin. The wand blasts the crystals onto your skin and sucks up the dead skin cells, old crystals, and grime.

Many people confuse microdermabrasion with dermabrasion.

Dermabrasion is a completely different process and involves a much harsher treatment method. Dermabrasion is used to get rid of deep scars from things like accidents, deep acne scars, or skin diseases. The dermabrasion process is much tougher on the skin than microdermabrasion.

It is primarily for people with light complexions. People with darker skin who get dermabrasion run the risk of developing irreversible or extremely difficult to erase skin damage like keloids.

Microdermabrasion is much safer to use on people of all different shades and skin types.

What Exactly Does Microdermabrasion Do?

People use microdermabrasion because of the amazing things that it does for their skin. Some of those things include the following:

• Microdermabrasion deeply exfoliates the skin, making it much smoother
• It helps people whose faces are peppered with mild acne scars, getting rid of the flesh-colored bumps that often show up on acne sufferers’ noses and foreheads. When comedones open up on the skin, they become blackheads. Microdermabrasion helps remove all of that.
• It helps clear up and even out the skin of people with hyperpigmentation. These are dark marks left behind after pimples have gone away
• It clears away the faint webs, wrinkles, and lines associated with aging skin
• It helps people with rough, uneven skin discover smooth, glowing skin underneath

Can Microdermabrasion Be Bad for My Skin?

Although microdermabrasion can be a godsend from many people with skin issues, there are times when it can be bad for the skin.

Check with your dermatologist to find out if you’re a good candidate for this treatment as microdermabrasion side effects can be painful or cause skin issues.

The times when it can be bad for the skin include the following:

• People should not use microdermabrasion with active rosacea. The skin is too sensitive, thanks to the barrier of the epidermis being compromised. Microdermabrasion would cause too much friction, making the rosacea worse
• People who have any type of open sore on their faces should not get microdermabrasion. The sores will only get worse
• Anyone suffering from active onset acne should steer clear of microdermabrasion. Onset acne affects nearly 80% of adults. It’s an inflammatory condition that can become much worse if it’s not treated, resulting in permanent scars. Microdermabrasion will only exacerbate the condition
• People suffering from autoimmune diseases like lupus should steer clear of microdermabrasion. People with Lupus often get skin conditions that result in rashes and sores, most of which appear on areas like the face and neck. Microdermabrasion will only make these sores and rashes worse
• Diabetics who have difficulty healing from wounds should not get microdermabrasion. Even though it is a mild procedure, the skin can be sensitive. These people run the risk of creating long-lasting damage

When it comes to your skin, you will have to see what is best for your unique skin type.

Microdermabrasion might not irritate your face at all. On the other hand, you might want a different treatment altogether to avoid irritating a certain condition.

If you have unique concerns, look into microdermabrasion vs chemical peels or other treatments.

However, most people can use this treatment at home without complication.

Can Microdermabrasion Be Done at Home?

Absolutely yes!

When microdermabrasion first came out, the only places that you could get it were at your dermatologist’s office or a skincare specialist or aesthetician office.

Thanks to the invention of at-home microdermabrasion machines, it’s become very easy to do microdermabrasion at home. Once you learn the steps, it can be an effortless and straightforward way to keep your skin fresh and glowing.

There are several reasons why doing microdermabrasion from your home is so attractive.

• Microdermabrasion is a very mild procedure, decreasing the likelihood that you can cause yourself damage if you do it yourself
• You can do your treatments whenever you need to. This is especially attractive for people who have extremely busy schedules and aren’t always able to make it to their dermatologists’ or estheticians’ offices
• At-home microdermabrasion is an affordable option for people who need to cut costs but who don’t want to sacrifice beauty treatments

When choosing an at-home microdermabrasion machine, make sure that you check the reviews thoroughly. Not only are they great for helping you assess whether a model that you’re interested in is worth it, but it will also allow you to see why people like specific machines.

Some people may find a certain model easier to use, while others may love the way another feels on their skin. Reviews can help you make a decision regarding which home machine will work best for you.

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