- How To Remove Moles and Skin Tags ?
- What Are the Causes Moles?
- Why Pulling Them Off Doesn’t Work
- Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal
- 10 Home Remedies To Remove Moles That Really Work
- Getting Rid of Moles at Home by Freezing Them
The elimination of moles is a growth of flesh-colored skin that hangs on a thin stem on the skin called taupe. Usually they are harmless and painless. Medical experts refer to them as benign tumors, which means that they are not dangerous to the health of the person.
They can grow from one mole to hundreds of them around the body. Moles will appear on males and females, although obese people are more likely to develop these growths.
They will develop in various parts of the body, including the neck area, armpits, anus, groin, around the eyes, genitals, face, navel, and breasts. Even though moles appear similar in different parts of the body, it is advisable to follow the correct procedure to remove the labels from each area.
What Causes MolesEven Although there is no direct cause of moles, health experts believe that they could develop when there is friction between adjacent body parts (when skin on parts of the body adjacent bodies are rubbing}. It is also said that moles can develop when there is friction between the skin and clothing.
Obese people will have more skin-to-skin contact. Here, there will be more friction, which increases the chances of moles developing. In addition, when the skin is rough {less sensitive}, skin marks grow easily. This is why middle-aged and older people are more prone to mole development.
In addition to obese people, people with Crohn’s disease will also easily develop skin markers. In this case, patients with Crohn’s disease will develop perianal skin tags, which are skin tags developing around the anal opening.
Hormonal changes are another factor that can promote the development of moles. This is common especially in the second trimester during pregnancy.
Insulin resistance is another factor that contributes to the development of moles. If you experience insulin resistance, this means that you can develop prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. In turn, these two health conditions can increase the chances of developing skin tags. Above all, it is thought that skin tags could have a genetic connection. For this, if you have a family member with moles, they may appear to another family member.
However, keep in mind that skin tags are not cancerous, so do not worry about developing skin cancer when you have moles. They are not contagious either. so you will not contract the moles when you get in touch with someone who has them.
Why remove them does not work Other imperfections such as blackheads, skin marks and mole removal should not be removed manually. This implies that they should not be removed at all. First, removing the labels can lead to other infections and even pain.
Nevertheless, if the moles are already dead, they will fall naturally. When you try to remove moles, they start to swell, which can be uncomfortable and more noticeable. You will not only experience pain by shooting the moles, but you will also be bleeding in the event. The amount of blood lost depends on the location of the skin tag.
Removing the moles will leave a cut in the skin, which means that you will be more prone to infections. The best way is to use appropriate methods that will eliminate the labels without exposing you to infections or causing pain in the removal process.
Apple Cider Vinegar is one common home remedy for eliminating moles, and it is known as a safe remedy that won’t expose you to harsh side effects. Another good thing about Apple Cider Vinegar is that it is cheap.
It has a high acidic content, which gives it the ability to treat the moles effectively. Apple Cider Vinegar attacks the tissue that forms the moles, but it doesn’t affect the skin’s health. When the vinegar gets to the tissue, the black tags will turn black, which then dies and fall off.
For you to experience effective results, you will need to follow the right procedure when using apple cider vinegar. Here is how to go about it:
- Clean the affected area: First off, you’ll have to wash the affected skin area. Using the apple cider vinegar on the unclean skin can be less-effective. This helps to eliminate sweat and any other dirt particles that could affect the effectiveness of the apple cider vinegar.
- Open up the affected skin area: Once the skin is clean and dry, you’ll need to open up the top skin layer to allow the vinegar to get into the skin tags easily. You can use a file, which acts as an exfoliator. When opening up the upper skin layer ensure that you are gently enough to avoid any loss of blood.
- Apply the Apple Cider Vinegar: With your clean skin and an opened top skin layer, you can now apply the vinegar. The best choice is to use a small cotton ball to avoid applying too much of it. When you have soaked the cotton ball in the vinegar, hold it directly to the skin tag for a while. Ideally, use a Band-Aid to hold it in place overnight. This will allow the vinegar to get into the moles.
- Remove it and cleanse the area again: You can then remove the cotton from the moles in the morning. After removing them, ensure that you wash the affected area thoroughly to make it sterile.
- Repeat this for several weeks until the moles are eliminated.
10 Home Remedies That Really Work for Removing Moles
Other than apple cider vinegar, there are many other home remedies for mole removal. Here is a look at ten of the home remedies that you can try:
- Vitamin E Oil: Vitamin E Oil is well-known to contain antioxidant properties, which helps to boost the skin health. For that, you can easily use it to get rid of the moles. Ensure that the vitamin E oil is pure and high-quality for effective results. Start by cleaning the affected area, as usual, then apply the oil using a cotton wool. You can secure the cotton wool with a bandage and allow to stay there overnight. Repeat this daily for perfect results.
- Aloe Vera: This is another common remedy used for skin health improvement. It also contains some anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. To use it, check that the affected area is clean, then apply the fresh Aloe Vera juice to the skin tags. Apply the juice in a circular motion for like two minutes, and allow it to stay for some time. You can use a cotton wool and bandage to prevent it rubbing off when you sleep. On the other hand, you can apply it and let it stay for a few hours then wash off with warm water. Do this twice or thrice daily for around two weeks.
- Oregano Oil: Oregano oil has amazing anti-fungal properties, which is meant to target the germs or any other bacteria on the skin. If you want pure and organic oregano oil, you can infuse fresh oregano with olive oil for a few weeks to mix accordingly. Once the olive oil and oregano have stayed for long enough, strain it for a high-quality final blend. You can also dilute oregano oil with sweet almond or jojoba. To apply it, simply wash the affected area, and apply directly to the moles. Ensure that you let it dry naturally in the air before you cover it with a bandage. Repeat this every day for as many times as possible until you notice the skin tags drying off.
- Iodine: For perfect result, you will need liquid iodine, which you can get from your local grocery or drug store. You can apply it directly to the skin tags and allow it to stay for some hours or overnight. With iodine, it is strong enough to get into the moles and break down the related skin cells. In turn, this makes the skin tags to dry and fall off naturally. If the tags area around the eyes, do not let the iodine to get in the eyes.
- Tea Tree Oil: This oil contains some antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, and it will perfectly help to eliminate moles. To use it, start by soaking a Q-tip in natural tea tree oil before you apply it on the affected skin area. This should be done thrice each day, and ensure that you hold the soaked Q-tip in place for around 10 minutes. Using the Q-tip will prevent the oil from getting in contact with your skin, mostly if your skin is sensitive. Dilute the tea tree oil with a mild carrier oil like coconut oil to prevent any possible irritation. Do this if you have sensitive skin. However, keep in mind that diluted tea tree oil will be less-effective at solving the moles.
- Banana Peel: All you have to do with this remedy is cut a small banana piece and peel it off. Take the peel and place the inside part directly on the moles. You can then place a bandage over the banana peel and allow it to stay overnight. You can then remove the bandage in the morning and wash the area with warm water. Repeat this every day until the tags drop.
- Dandelion Juice: This juice contains minerals and vitamins that help to eliminate the moles. Ensure that you wash your affected skin area before you apply the dandelion juice. Ideally, ensure that you harvest fresh dandelion entirely by pulling it with its roots intact. After that, extract the milky sap from the roots and carry on as other remedies. Repeat this every day for around four weeks.
- Garlic: Take one garlic clove and crush it thoroughly. After that, soak it with a cotton ball and apply it directly to the affected area. Hold it in place with a bandage and let it stay overnight. Wash it off the next morning and repeat it every other night for around two to three weeks.
- Castor Oil: Take some baking soda and add it to castor oil in a ratio of 1:2. You can also add some drops of peppermint or lemon oil to the castor oil-baking soda paste. After that, apply the paste to the skin tags and cover using a bandage. Let it stay overnight and wash it off the following morning with warm water. Do this every day for perfect results.
- Coconut Oil: To use coconut oil, soak cotton wool in coconut oil and apply it directly to the skin tags. Ensure that you allow it to stay overnight and wash it off with warm water the next morning. Ideally, use a bandage to cover the applied area when you go to bed.
Freezing Skin Labels Mole gel is another good remedy for eliminating them.Compound W Freeze is a good product that helps to freeze moles. The best part is that skin tags have a soft layer, making it easy to freeze.
Generally, the freezing of skin tags is called cryotherapy, and doctors also use liquid nitrogen to perform this procedure. Liquid nitrogen is very effective, and it freezes the labels almost instantly. The liquid nitrogen is dispersed through a special cartridge provided with a nozzle. In this way, it becomes easy to direct it to the skin tags.Generally, the entire freezing process takes about 30 seconds. The easiest way to freeze skin tags and moles is to buy the compound W Freeze and follow the instructions accordingly. However, you can use OTC Liquid Nitrogen to help you freeze moles. Here is a guide on how to use OTC Liquid Nitrogen:
- Get a pair of forceps and protective gloves before you start using this chemical.
- Apply the chemical using the tweezers directly on the moles.
- Allow the tweezers to remain in the liquid nitrogen for about 20 seconds, then apply it to the moles.
- Make sure you apply gentle pressure on the tweezers on the moles for about 15 seconds.
- Let the moles heal for a few minutes before washing.
Remember that using Liquid Nitrogen Over-The-Counter can be a bit difficult; So, you can opt for the compound gel remedy of W.

When dealing with mole removal, always ensure that you follow the right process and only use organic essential oils and other products to avoid experiencing harsh side effects. If you have sensitive skin, check with your doctor or dermatologist for the ideal suggestions. Above all, ensure that you wash your affected skin area before you use any remedy for mole removal.