What is Microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is a popular procedure and is classified as very superficial dermabrasion or exfoliation. This method employs tiny aluminum oxide crystals which are sprayed onto the skin and immediately sucked up along with dead skin cells, many patients report that their skin feels smoother. It is also popular because it is painless and there is no recovery time after the procedure. It is safe on any skin color.
What is microdermabrasion used for?
Most patients report improvement in acne scars, uneven skin color, and skin texture. Patients like the fact that makeup goes on more smoothly after microdermabrasion.
Microdermabrasion is usually combined with other treatments like mesotherapy, and lasergenesis for better results.
Microdermabrasion Benefits Include:
- Reduces hyperpigmentation and age spots
- Reduces wrinkles and smoothen enlarged pores.
- Improves acne-prone skin, remove scars caused by pimples and breakouts
- Helps smooth coarse textured skin allowing skin care products to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin.
They let your skin breathe and help provide a youthful glowing appearance!
Microdermabrasion devices produce dermal high-pressure micro crystal flow on the skin. It uses dermal abrasion with suction in order to remove the top layer of the skin, where dead skin cells lie.
What does microdermabrasion feel like?
During the microdermabrasion treatment, tiny crystals are sprayed out and vacuumed up through a hand piece. There may be some mild discomfort, described by some as similar to an emery board against the skin. Some patients report that the experience is similar to a facial massage.
How long does microdermabrasion take?
Normally, microdermabrasion takes between ten and thirty minutes, depending on the area being treated.
How many treatments will I need?
On average, 6-8 microdermabrasion treatments, spaced one week apart, are required. Most people who use microdermabrasion require a maintenance program to maintain the effects.
What are the risks of microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is safe. There may be facial redness for about 20-30 minutes after the procedure but no recovery time required.
Microdermabrasion & Baking soda
Our spa-system make any Microdermabrasion treatment is a safe noninvasive procedure that uses tiny baking soda crystals to gently exfoliate and remove superficial layers of dry dead skin cells that are hiding your inner beauty. Our Microdermabrasion is the only system safe enough to treat two of the most age-revealing areas: the sensitive areas around our eyes and lips.

In some cases, the redness dissipates after only a few hours. However, following a proper microdermabrasion aftercare routine is the key to relieve the skin of unnecessary pressure.
Your skin’s top layer of protection may be removed during each session, which causes the redness after each abrasion. It’s normal after each procedure . To maintain and maximize the results of the microdermabrasion treatment, here are some tips to keep in mind:
How To Care For Skin After Microdermabrasion Treatments
1. Keep your new skin clean and moisturized. Proper rehydrating toner to wipe off skin debris that was left behind. Use a rich moisturizer. Moisturize your skin
whenever necessary for the next 5-7 days to avoid skin from drying out.
2. Anti-inflammatory creams or cold compresses may be used to relieve the tenderness or burning sensation after the treatment. Certain copper-based lotions have light ingredients that may help aid quick skin recovery. To improve the skin’s quality, use microdermabrasion serums with high Vitamin A, C and E content. It will help skin look very toned.
3. Use a gentle cleanser. Use a sensitive skin cleanser or something that contains no harsh chemicals and has absolutely no scent. Always rinse with cool or lukewarm water.
4. Trauma such as scratching or picking the treated area should be avoided. Avoid picking or removing dead skin as this could cause pigmentation or scarring. Allow the skin to renew itself on its own. If it is unavoidable to scratch your skin , remember to apply aloe vera to sooth the skin. It should help heal the scratches for about one week.
5. Avoid irritating the treated skin with harsh chemicals, rubbing or tanning within 1 week.Do not apply make-up or perfumes for about 48 hours after treatment. Avoid heat treatments like sauna, steam rooms and hot showers. The skin will peel naturally so avoid using exfoliating products as well.
6. Use moisturizer to help the skin heal faster. Skin may feel sore or have a distinct burning sensation like a sunburn. Just remember to cool down your skin periodically. You may simply rinse your face off with cold water, rub an ice cube on the affected areas or use an ice pack when needed.
7. Avoid the sun for at least 7 days after the treatment. The protective layer of skin may also be removed after microdermabrasion. It’s necessary to have an extra layer of protection on your skin. Direct sunlight will damage your skin. If you have to leave the house, wide hats and sunglasses would be a good choice.
8. Avoid hot places that will make you sweat. Avoid exercise for a few days after your treatment as excessive perspiration may irritate your skin. Even swimming should be avoided as your skin may have a negative reaction to the chlorine or salty water on the beach.
9. Drink plenty of water. It can be a dehydrating procedure. Always make sure you also rehydrate with water. Water can also help your skin recover better because it’s moisturized both inside and out.
10. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. It’s likely that you need to eat more fruits and vegetables while lessening dairy and red meat. And even take supplements. Or ask your skin expert which vitamins and minerals you need to maximize your treatment and get the best results the fastest.
How often can I have microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion can be done as frequently as weekly or up to every eight weeks depending on your skin’s tolerance and desired cosmetic effects. Many people choose to start with weekly treatments for three sessions, then change to a monthly maintenance regimen. Microdermabrasion also can be done at home with easy and low cost by using Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion Dermabrasion Machine. You don’t need to go to salon like microdermabrasion san diego. For the machine to be used in salon, you can try the 4 in 1 Diamond Microdermabrasion Dermabrasion Ultrasonic Peeling Hot and Cold Machine.
Much like brushing your teeth, microdermabrasion helps to gently remove skin debris. Since human skin typically regenerates at approximately 30-day intervals, skin improvement with microdermabrasion is temporary and needs to be repeated at average intervals of two to four weeks for continued improvement. Usually, multiple treatments (six to 12 sessions) are recommended to see a significant improvement.
What ages are appropriate for microdermabrasion?
While there are no specific age or sex restrictions, typically children over age 12 up to adults age 65 can get microdermabrasion. While there is no age maximum, mature skin over age 70 may have slightly higher risks of bruising and skin abrasions.
What should people expect before, during, and after microdermabrasion? (Microdermabrasion before and after)
Generally, softer and smoother skin that feels fresher and more rejuvenated is the expected outcome after microdermabrasion. Before starting the microdermabrasion treatment, eye protection such as eye pads or goggles may be placed. Often the skin may be prepared and cleaned of makeup and oils. Yet, no tlocal anesthetic is required. The skin will be stretched to provide some tension in order to achieve the most effective abrasion and vacuum. The hand piece is moved over the skin with repeated single, smooth passes. Usually, two to four passes per area are sufficient.
Mild pinkness of the skin is the desired outcome and usually resolves within minutes to hours after microdermabrasion. In addition, mild exfoliation of skin may occur as well. Continuously apply moisturizer or ointment if exfoliation occurs. Patients may also experience mild sunburn -like sensation for a few days. Moreover, liberal application of sunscreen is recommended as photosensitivity may be increased after treatment.
Microdermabrasion may help stimulate the production of collagen, thereby helping skin rejuvenation. As age spots from photoaging and fine lines are diminished, the skin may become softer and smoother. The results are modest, however.
Does microdermabrasion help with acne scars?
Microdermabrasion may be very useful for people with active acne, mild acne discoloration, pick marks, and very superficial or raised acne scars. Dermatologists use microdermabrasion to help unclog pores and clear acne. Often used in combination with gentle glycolic peels and medical acne extractions, microderm can help speed up acne clearing.
Individuals with deeper acne scars might be candidates for surgical dermabrasion or laser resurfacing.
Can microdermabrasion help with melasma?
Yes, microderm can be helpful in treating melasma and other types of hyperpigmentation. Optimal melasma treatment might typically include biweekly or monthly microderm combined with glycolic acid peels, fading creams like hydroquinone 4%, and daily sunscreens. Multiple treatments in combination with sunscreen and sun avoidance and other creams help yield best results, although permanent improvement is not to be expected.
Can microdermabrasion help with keratosis pilaris?
Microdermabrasion can help temporarily improve the appearance of keratosia pilaris (especially on the upper arms). Optimally, the microdermabrasion is given biweekly or monthly and is combined with lactic-acid lotion or and weekly glycolic-acid peels.
What are possible side effects of microdermabrasion?
Potential side effects of microdermabrasion are minimal and this is a very safe procedure. Potential drawbacks are very limited in that microderm only affects the epidermis ,which is the outermost skin layer. Common minor, temporary side effects include slight skin tightness, redness, bruising, and sensitivity. As a general rule, the greater the potential benefits with a cosmetic treatment, the greater the potential risks and side effects. The possible risks with more aggressive treatments like dermabrasion and laser are much greater than microdermabrasion.
Possible side effects of microdermabrasion include
- skin tightness,
- redness,
- minor bruising,
- skin sensitivity,
- post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH),
- small skin abrasions,
- spots of bleeding,
- eye-skin bruising (especially if you are taking ASPIRIN or other blood thinners),
- fine broken blood vessels (telangiectasia),
- and COLD SORE reactivation around lips.
Cold sore reactivation may uncommonly occur after microderm around lips. If you have had a lot of previous cold sore consider either avoiding treatment around the lip borders or asking your doctor about taking an antiviral pill prophylactically. A typical cold sore prevention regimen may be to start an antiviral pill like acyclovir (Zovirax) 800 mg or valacyclovir(Valtrex) 1 gram once a day starting the day before and continuing for one to two days after your treatment. Antiviral creams are not effective cold sore prevention.
Overly aggressive microderm may cause breaks in skin and resulting post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). Also overaggressive treatment may cause an increased risk of bruising (ecchymosis), especially if you are taking aspirin or other blood thinners like warfarin (Coumadin) or clopidogrel bisulfate (Plavix). Since microdermabrasion only causes superficial skin removal, scarring and pigment changes are very rare if the procedure is performed correctly.
There may be a small possibility of increased surface blood vessels (telangiectasia), particularly if you have very thin skin, scleroderma , lupus, severe sun damage, taken long-term prednisone(Deltasone, Orasone, Prednicen-M, Liquid Pred), or other conditions where your skin is abnormally fragile and prone to forming telangiectasia.
In addition, if an individual is on isotretinoin (Accutane) or has taken this medication within the previous six to 12 months, resurfacing treatments such as microdermabrasion may not be appropriate due to the potential increased risk of scarring. As the potential risk is very slight, some dermatologists may treat patients on isotretonion with gentler sessions.